- Kino Bay: Just 300 miles from Tucson, Arizona, and 65 miles west of Hermosillo is the
beautiful beach community of Kino Bay. Home to the Seri Indians, you'll find their popular
wood carvings of animals and 'torote' baskets woven from trees in this area. Just off the
shore is Tiburon Island. "Shark Island" is the original home of the Seri's; today
it's a beautiful wildlife preserve. An airstrip is located in Kino Bay as well, so fly in if
you like!
- Hermosillo: This city was originally named Real Presidio de San Pedro de la
Conquista... "Hermosillo" just seemed to sound better! Hermosillo brings modern
and ancient architecture together in a beautiful metropolitan setting. Visitors from the US
will find this city quite familiar with its many well-known US franchises - Wal-Mart,
McDonald's, Jack in the Box, etc.